Brandon Jackson
Director of Business & Operations
“I love that I work with a great group of people towards a unified purpose.”
Brandon and his wife, Melissa, were feeling led to work with children in a larger capacity, so they attended the International Conference on Missions (ICOM) to explore what God might have in store. That’s when they met the staff from Cookson Hills and fell in love with their work. That next year, in 2011, they began working full time for Cookson Hills as Houseparents. In 2014, he began serving as a Social Worker for our kids. Starting in the fall of 2018, he became our Manager of Business & Operations. Brandon holds a Master of Business and Administration from Southeastern Oklahoma State University and oversees the financial aspects of Cookson Hills as well as the areas that keep our campus operating smoothly. Gathering and tracking data assists his fellow leadership team members and our governing board with making informed decisions that help achieve our shared mission. When Brandon’s not in the office, you can bet he will be spending time with his wife, Melissa, their daughters, and friends, losing at a board game to his awesome sister-in-law, hunting or hiking.