January 11, 2021 (11:00 AM CST)

December 04, 2020 (10:30 AM CST)

May 05, 2020 (8:30 AM CST)

APRIL 28, 2020 (6:00 PM CST)

Pull up our update video at your next meal and sit-down with our Executive Director, Ron Riley! Ron will walk you through our Covid-19 adjustments, program updates, and answer questions that were coming in during our original Facebook Live event!

APRIL 20, 2020 (9:15 AM CST)

How can you pray over Cookson Hills right now? Here’s a step by step way to pray over our ministry! For specific ways to pray over our Hilltop, visit this post.

APRIL 17th, 2020 (2:45 PM CST)

APRIL 13, 2020 (9:15 AM CST) 

How can you pray over Cookson Hills right now? Here’s a step by step way to pray over our Hilltop! 

APRIL 9, 2020 (12:00 PM CST)

We see you over there cleaning out those closets, finding things you haven’t thought about in years 🧐. You know, those…

Posted by Cookson Hills on Thursday, April 9, 2020

APRIL 8, 2020 (4:30 PM CST)

Here’s a quick ministry update and word of encouragement from our Executive Director, Ron Riley! #cooksonhills #covid19

Posted by Cookson Hills on Wednesday, April 8, 2020

APRIL 6, 2020 (11:00 AM CST)

Our amazing supporters were at it again this weekend! There are a lot of needs in this world right now. So it is a…

Posted by Cookson Hills on Monday, April 6, 2020

MARCH 30, 2020 (9:00 AM CST)

Oh my goodness!!! Remember on Friday, how we posted our urgent needs?! Well you all CAME THROUGH!!! Our jaws fell when…

Posted by Cookson Hills on Monday, March 30, 2020

MARCH 27, 2020 (10:30 AM CST)

Could you help us with some of our urgent needs? – Clorox Wipes – Clorox Bathroom Spray Cleaner – Clorox Toilet…

Posted by Cookson Hills on Friday, March 27, 2020

MARCH 25, 2020 (10:00 AM CST)

Wondering what is happening at Cookson Hills during this pandemic? What adjustments have we made? Do we still have kids in our care? Check out this video update!!!

Posted by Cookson Hills on Wednesday, March 25, 2020

As a residential childcare facility, the care we provide to the children at Cookson Hills is considered essential. Many of the kids that we have here do not have another alternative. Cookson Hills is home. So we will continue providing care, regardless of if other businesses are asked to close. We will continue to adjust our processes and evaluate which portions of the ministry are needed to remain operating to meet the needs of our children. Here are some of the adjustments we’ve made so that we can continue providing a home, school, and therapy for kids who are at-risk: 

• We are continually cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing surfaces.
• In addition to staying on campus, we are practicing social distancing by staying in groups of 10 people or less.
• Our houseparents continue to be ROCK-STARS! They are providing consistent and fantastic around-the-clock care for our kids!

• Our teachers have created distance learning packets, and provided plenty of online learning tools so that our students can continue their education at home!
• Our students can place book orders with our librarian, Mrs. Green. She then pulls the books, checks the books out, and delivers them to the porch of the student’s home!
• Our school principal, Mrs. Jackson has been recording daily videos to help bring our students and staff together in a time of separation. These videos are uplifting, silly, informative, and can feature book readings, her family pet, or her quarantined children making faces in the background. It’s been pretty awesome so far.

• We have purchased tablets and are at the beginning stages of setting-up teletherapy for our kids so that they can continue receiving the therapeutic services they need with the same counselors they’ve already built strong relationships with.

As for the rest of the support staff, we are continuing to practice social distancing as we help support the ministry operations and our houseparents.

We are always listening to the advice of our governor as well as the CDC. As you are well aware, during this pandemic things are changing constantly. As things change, we will make adjustments with it.

But no matter what happens, you can be assured that our Houseparents and staff will still be providing a home for children who are at-risk.

MARCH 17, 2020 (9:45 AM CST)

At Cookson Hills, our goal is always to provide a safe community for our children, staff, and families. At the time of this writing, we have no confirmed cases of Covid-19 on our campus. However, in line with the government’s requests the following changes begin today and will be enforced until April 6th:

• Cookson Hills Christian School and all school related activities will be cancelled as of noon.
• We are not allowing social visits, campus tours, or enrollment visits.
• Our children, staff, and families are avoiding all unnecessary trips away from campus in order to limit our exposure.

If you are the parent or guardian of a child placed in our care, please check your email for additional information from your child’s social worker.

We are not worried. We are not taking these steps because of fear. We are taking these steps based on the requests of the CDC, President of the United States, and countless brilliant scientists and doctors who understand this virus far better than we are able to on our own. Covid-19 is continually evolving and we will keep you updated with any other major changes or needs as they arise. We appreciate your understanding and prayers as we implement these measures.

Urgent Needs!

We need your help! Supplies are low and hard to find! We need to keep our kids at Cookson Hills healthy! Would you help?

  • Clorox Wipes
  • Clorox Bathroom Spray Cleaner
  • Clorox Toilet Cleaner
  • Clorox Kitchen Cleaner
  • C-Fold Paper Towels
  • Disinfectant Aerosol Spray
  • Tylenol (adults & children) 
  • Ibuprofen
  • Midol
  • Mucinex