You might be surprised to learn that donating stocks or mutual funds can actually have a greater tax benefit than simply making a donation with a check or credit card. The reason? Donating appreciated stock, instead of selling the stock and donating the proceeds, can help you avoid thousands of dollars in capital gains tax.
Stocks and Mutual Funds are easy to donate! Contact your brokerage company and ask for the forms needed to donate a stock or fund to a non-profit! Let us know if you have any questions!
You can help kids who are at-risk by making a donation from part of your 401k, 403b, IRA, pension, or other tax-deferred plan. In addition, this form of gift can often hold greater tax benefits than making a cash donation. We can provide you with more information about the advantages and options for giving from your retirement plan.
To begin giving in this way, talk to the company who manages your retirement account and inquire about how to make a direct donation to Cookson Hills from your retirement account.
To learn more about any of these topics, please contact us.