Since 1957, Cookson Hills has provided a nurturing home, quality Christian education, and therapy services in a safe and trauma-informed environment. Located in the rural Cookson Hills region of Northeast Oklahoma, we serve kids ages 5-17 who want to write a better story for their lives. We offer a no-cost solution for kids who have faced challenges with family life, school truancy, homelessness, poor peer relationships, or experienced abuse and neglect. Our staff of 52 and many volunteers come together to fulfill our vision – to raise up healthy individuals who are empowered to positively impact future generations.
Cookson Hills is committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us. We are primarily funded by individuals, churches, and foundations who want to provide a hopeful future for kids who are at-risk. Through their generosity, we are able to provide care to every kid who qualifies. We will never go into debt, and we accept no government funding. This allows us to freely teach our students about the life changing hope of Jesus.