Work side-by-side with us, and you’ll gain unique perspective on our mission.

Cookson Hills welcomes groups, individuals, and families* to join us on a stateside mission trip. Trips are easy to plan, affordable**, and foster growth in a unique environment. We provide the following for groups on mission trips:

*Most work projects are suitable for teenage participants and older.
**A participant’s cost per day is $20 for lodging and $3.50 per meal in our dining hall.

Fill out the form below and our Mission Trip Coordinator will get back to you within 3 business days about planning your trip!


My Story of Service - Megan

"I thought I was doing everything I could to be who I was made to be... then I met the staff at Cookson Hills."


More than a Marriage Retreat

By our second year leading the Marriage Retreat, it was less a “mission trip” and more like time spent with family.


Georgia Friends in Oklahoma

What makes this partnership so great is a small church in West Georgia has a voice in Oklahoma and a children’s facility from Oklahoma has a voice in West Georgia.